Przez czas, kiedy nauczałem zauważyłem duze postepy w nauce, co jest wynikiem ich dużego zaangazowania. Do tej pory nie miałem doswiadczenia jako nauczyciel, ale teraz widze, ze postepy uczniow daja duza satysfakcje.
Niedlugo wylatujemy z Ivato przez Mauritius, Paryz do Warszawy.
Today was my last day in oratorio. I said goodbye to kids, gave them presents. We all were very sad. Although I was not here long we all got very close. Each of them wanted to take a photo with me.
During my time as teacher I've noticed they big progress, what is cause by their engagement. I did not have experience as a teacher, but I see now, that progress of students gives a great satisfaction.
Today we are departing from Ivato, through Maurice, Paris to Warsaw.
Jaka czesc z tych dzieci bedzie studiowac w przyszlosci?